Three trends shaping the future of mobility in 2020

Kennisbank •

The cost of owning private vehicles will rise. Citizens' demands for inclusive mobility are growing in volume. More public-private partnerships will form to address mobility issues.

Three trends shaping the future of mobility in 2020

As the futurist Jim Dator has said: “Any useful statement about the future should at first seem ridiculous” - and this is true of mobility. I want to examine three current mobility trends - and while they may seem ridiculous at first, they may not be ridiculous at all.

Take congestion, for instance. In every city and community around the world, congestion has reached unbearable levels. It is destroying our quality of life and our environment, wasting our time, damaging our health and outright killing people. But congestion is not something that is happening to you. You are congestion. Every time you choose to get into your car alone and drive into the city, you are part of the problem. You are, in effect, doing this to yourself - which means you can choose to do something different.

Perhaps, in many cities around the world, you will soon not be allowed to drive your car into the city in the future - or it will become so expensive that you will choose to do something else.

Over de auteur

Michelle Avary

is Head of Automotive and Autonomous Mobility, World Economic Forum.