Mobility trends

Kennisbank •

In the early days of lockdowns in late March and early April, we saw mobility levels change drastically.

Mobility trends

Using the Google COVID-19 Community Mobility reports we estimate around a 50% drop
in mobility connected with work nationally and similar levels of decline in mobility connected with retail and recreational activities.

As restrictions lifted we observed increased levels of mobility and by June we estimate around a 25% drop in workplace related mobility nationally, but with a smaller drop for retail and recreational activities. With the significant second wave in Victoria which gathered momentum through July and the increase in community transmission in NSW, we are now seeing some strong divergence by State. In July and early August, Queensland, WA and SA were recording workplace mobility levels around 15% down from normal. NSW workplace mobility was still over 20% down while Victoria was 35% down.

Over the same period we observe mobility associated with retail and recreational activities to be almost normal for Queensland, WA and SA, around 10% down in NSW and 35% down in Victoria.

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Over de auteur

Estelle Pearson

is one of the foremost actuaries in Australia. In 2012 Estelle was named Actuary of the Year.