Safeguarding responsible AI and the global initiative of our profession

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The actuarial profession is undergoing radical change. We have reached a point where actuarial science, data science, and computer science are beginning to overlap in professional capacities, constantly adapting and being applied to fields previously unimagined.

Safeguarding responsible AI and the global initiative of our profession

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer an emerging topic; it is now widely discussed and utilized across various industries and professions. However, the responsible use, distribution, and implementation of AI systems have yet to be fully adopted and embraced by the industries we are part of. This article will explore concepts of concern, present the current regulatory landscape for AI in Europe, and share updates on how the global profession is responding, supported by the International Actuarial Association’s (IAA) latest initiative.

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Over de auteur

Bogdan Tautan MSC AAG

Reinsurance Actuary and Capital Analyst at Achmea Reinsurance, part of the Actuarial Data Science and Kwaliteitszorg / Professionalism commissions at the Royal Dutch Actuarial Association, co-Vice-Chairing the Actuarial Association of Europe’s AI and DS Working Group and Chair of the AI Governance workstream, part of the International Actuarial Association’s AI Task Force initiative.