Embracing AI: The Non-Life Actuary of the Future

Kennisbank •
James Moran AMASSA, Tom Peters MSc, Lars Janssen MSc AAG

Over the past decade, Bodily Injury (BI) claims have experienced adverse prior development across the Dutch insurance market. This is evidenced in published disclosures by nearly all Dutch non-life insurers, which indicate upward revisions of ultimate losses for BI claims.

Embracing AI: The Non-Life Actuary of the Future

This issue is driven by changes in risks such as interest rates and inflation, evolving legislation, advancements in vehicle technology, and modifications in claims handling processes. These developments have pushed ultimate losses upwards, but the question remains whether current estimates are accurate. Given the interdependence of insurers’ processes, both under- and overestimation of ultimate losses is known to cause knock-on issues with, for example, pricing processes. As such, accurately estimating ultimate losses for BI claims is crucial.

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