
Being a member of AG means different things to different members. Some members appreciate the opportunity to give back to the profession in recognition of the opportunities their career offers them. Others see it as an opportunity to develop personal and professional skills or they see the association as a networking opportunity where they can meet colleagues and like-minded people.



Members who are fully qualified actuaries are entitled to use the title of Actuary AG (AAG). If members are fully qualified Actuarial Analist, they are entitled to use the title Actuarial Analist AG.

Fully qualified members (FQA) automatically become members of the worldwide association of actuaries, the International Actuarial Association (IAA), and the European association, the Actuarial Association Europe (AAE).

Eligible for membership of Koninklijk Actuarieel Genootschap (AG) are:

  • fully qualified actuaries (FQA) who have acquired the Actuary Certificate of the Actuarial Institute and/or other accredited universities/institutions;
  • actuarial analysts (but not as FQA);
  • affiliate members;
  • fully qualified actuaries (FQA) working in the Netherlands who are members of foreign sister associations with which AG has a mutual recognition agreement.

How to join

If you wish to become a member of AG, please complete the membership form at the end of this webpage. For questions or additional information, please contact Marjanne Wilschut, member services, phone: +31-(0)6-83171860 or via email

Contribution fees 2024-2025

Contribution fees
Membership Membership fee
Full member actuary employed in the Netherlands € 954
Full member actuary employed abroad € 477
Full member actuarial analyst employed in the Netherlands € 954
Full member actuarial analyst employed abroad € 477
Pensioners € 159
Affiliate member employed in the Netherlands € 477
Affiliate member employed abroad € 238,50
Affiliate member student € 0
Trial membership (6 months) € 106

Professional standards

All members of AG are bound to the code of conduct of the association. They are obliged to follow the Rules of Procedure and members who are fully qualified actuaries or actuarial analysts have to comply with the Regulations Continuous Professional Development.

Membership form

Fill out this form now and become a member!

Personal information


Address details - private

Step 1 of 6
